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데이터과학/data mining

Strata 2011: Hilary Mason, "What Data Tells Us"

올해 초 Strata2011 컨퍼런스에서 '힐러리 메이슨' 언니가 발표한 키노트입니다. 감상하시죠~

1. timelessness
 - stream, robustness

2. data storage
 - store
 - query
 - operate
  * with real time
  * get result before i forget

3. education
 - how do i become a data person

4. imagination
 - bit.ly

5. data type
 - nursistic? : news with view of mine not the other person
 - sement of data : location, time, topic, keyword, social ...
 - global vision of data : temprature of ocean

6. egypt Jan. 28
 - click from egypt
 - click to egypt

7. opportunity
 - what will you do with this data?


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